Our History

The Kenya National Association of the Deaf (KNAD) is a legal Non- Governmental Organization (NGO). The organization was registered in 1987 with the government of Kenya under the Registrar of Societies Act of 1968 rule 4. Its membership is derived from affiliated regional association with members drawn from the grassroots Deaf community country wide.

Originally, membership of KNAD was drawn from the Deaf population countrywide and since then, it has demonstrated excellent and a unique capacity to promote human rights of Deaf people through the use of Kenyan Sign language. This has contributed immensely on the overall establishment of a society that respects human dignity, social justice and equal opportunity for individuals who are Deaf in Kenya.


Our Motto

Empowering Deaf Voices, Transforming Lives, Shaping a Brighter Future.

Vision Statement

To be a leading Deaf organization in changing lives of the Deaf community in Kenya through representing and advocating for their linguistic rights and aspirations.

Our Mission

To enhance Deaf community that is free of human violation and with intention of promoting rights-based approaches to equality, equity and inclusiveness through advocating and competently representing the rights of the Deaf people in Kenya.

Core Values

* Social Justice * Governance * Inclusiveness * Respect * Fairness * Diversity * Equality & Equity * Democracy

Our Purpose

It is saddening to note that there are no official figures for the number of Deaf people in the Kenya. it is although estimated that there are over one million people whose first and preferred language is Kenyan Sign Language (KSL). Like all linguistic minorities; members of the Deaf community have different degrees of access to the majority language of the wider community. KSL is the foundation for the self-esteem, educational achievement and social well being of the Kenya’s Deaf community.

It is in this direction that KNAD exists on the axis of its overall goals to mobilize resources, build the capacity of its members and other DPOs in order to provide a networking platform at all levels of engagement. This is aimed at providing a disability rights-based acceptable platform of articulating, representing, advocating and lobbying for recognition and implementation of rights for the vulnerable Deaf populations in relation to health, education, gender, human rights, social Justice, Governance, employment, poverty eradication and social development.



Meet our Management Team Leaders.

Nickson Kakiri


Jane Doe

Project Manager

John Doe

Programme Coordinator

John Doe

Secretary General

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