What We Do
Our Core Activities
Lobbying & Advocacy.
Enhancing the status of deaf culture & Kenya Sign Language (KSL).
Health & Sanitation
Awareness creation on health and sanitation.
Grant support for vulnerable school going deaf children.
Economic Empowerment
Creation of income generating activities.
Trainings on selection planning and management of income generating activities.
Trainings on group savings & loans.
Past Accomplishments
Researched and collected over 2,314 signs leading to the recording of the core Lexicon of KSL vocabulary. The collection and recording of KSL signs led to the publication of the first Kenyan Sign Language Dictionary in 1991. Owing to popular public demand, the KSL dictionary was reprinted in 2001.
Working with Deaf community leaders both at the grassroots and national level, KNAD conducted Deaf and KSL campaigns at selected but critical public institutions. Through the awareness campaign, KNAD officials conducted lectures at Kiganjo police college, Embakasi Administration Police College, and Kenya Medical Training Centers thus creating public awareness of the needs of Deaf persons.
Offering civic education programs in partnership with the public election bodies and civic education providers and deliver Civic Education (CE) programs that are tailored to meet the needs of Deaf and Hard of hearing Persons.
Through network with other stakeholders, lobbied and provided the Committee of Experts on Constitution Review (CoE) – tasked to review and draft new constitution of Kenya – with institutional opinion on the needs include KSL in the Constitution of Kenya 2010.
Hosted the World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section Board meeting in Kenya in June, 2012 that lead to the establishment of the Kenya National Association of the Deaf Youth Section (KNADYS) that promotes the interest of Deaf Youth in Kenya. It has also established the Women’s Section that caters for the interest of Deaf Women in Kenya.
Lobbied for the Kenyan Sign Language interpretation of the first ever presidential debate, announcement of election results, the presidential petition and more recently interpretation of news at KTN, thus ensuring information accessibility for the Deaf and hard of hearing Kenyans.
Partnered with JFD/JICA to send five Deaf persons to Japan for training. The training focused on empowering Deaf Associations through Sign Language. The trainees are currently sourcing fir funds to implement a follow up program.
Ongoing Projects
KNAD is currently offering basic and advanced KSL, and KSL interpreters training programs to interested public. KSL training and awareness is contributing to improving public service accessibilities and increasing participation of Deaf and Hard of hearing persons.
KNAD is currently offering training to build the capacity of six persons in KSL research methods and development in collaboration with Akita University, Japan. Through the skills acquired, the group will contribute in the development and production of KSL IEC materials for public consumption.
Public awareness on Deafness, Kenyan Sign Language and Deaf issues is on the increase as a result of KNAD’s work through holding annual International Deaf Awareness Week celebrations in Kenya. The events have been celebrated since 2009(Nairobi) 2010(Nairobi), 2011(Nairobi) 2012 (Mombasa) and 2013 (Kisumu).